Peer-Reviewed lab Publications
49) Gustafson, EJ, MS Lucash, AZ Shvidenko, BR Sturtevant, BR Miranda, D Schepaschenko, H Matsumoto. 2024. Climate change and disturbance interact to alter landscape reflectivity (albedo) in boreal forests across a large latitudinal gradient in Siberia. Science of the Total Environment 956
48) Reese, GC, BR Sturtevant, CC Dymond, KM Quigley, MJ Duveneck, MJ Duveneck, MS Lucash, EJ Gustafson, RM Scheller, MB Russell, and BR Miranda. 2024. Best practices for calibration of forest landscape models using fine-scaled reference information. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. Just in.
47) Deak, AK, MS Lucash, MR Coughlan, S Weiss, LCR Silva. 2024. Prescribed fire placement matters more than increasing frequency and extent in a simulated Pacific Northwest landscape. Ecosphere 15 (4), e4827.
46) Scharf, H, J Schierbaum, H Matsumoto and T Assal. 2024. Predicting species-level vegetation cover using large satellite imagery data sets. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics.
45) Lucash MS, NG Williams, V Srikrishnan, K Keller, RM Scheller, C Hegelson, RE Nicholas and EAH Smithwick. 2023. Balancing multiple forest management objectives under climate change in central Wisconsin, U.S.A. Trees, Forests and People 14: 100460.
44) Weiss, SA, AM Marshall, KR Hayes, DM Nicolsky, B Buma and MS Lucash. 2023. Future transitions from a conifer to a deciduous-dominated landscape are accelerated by greater wildfire activity and climate change in interior Alaska. Landsc Ecol 38, 2569–2589 (2023).
43) Nasr-Azadani, E, EAH Smithwick, SJ Steidle, MS Lucash, DH Wardrop, NT Fregien, and TR Kenote. 2023. Integrating Menominee model for sustainable forestry with Systems Thinking competency through 3D virtual tours.
42) Williams, NG, MS Lucash, MR Ouellette, T Brussel, EJ Gustafson, SA Weiss, BR Sturtevant, DG Schepaschenko and AZ Shvidenko. 2023. Simulating dynamic fire regime and vegetation change in a warming Siberia. Fire Ecology 19 (1), 1-29.
41) Lucash, MS, AM Marshall, SA Weiss, JW McNabb, DJ Nicolsky, G Flerchinger, TE Link, JG Vogel, RM Scheller, RZ Abramoff, and VE Romanovsky. 2023. Burning trees in frozen soil: Simulating fire, vegetation, soil, and hydrology in the boreal forests of Alaska. Ecological Modelling 481, 110367.
40) Steidle, S, MS Lucash, E Nasr-Azadani, and E Smithwick. 2023. Testing presence, assessing attitudes: Study of a 3D virtual tour in an “aesthetically challenged” landscape. Journal of Environmental Management 337, 117574.
39) Lucash M, S Weiss, MJ Duveneck and RM Scheller. 2022. Managing for red-cockaded woodpeckers is more complicated under climate change. Journal of Wildlife Management 86:e22309.
38) Shuman, JK, JK Balch, RT Barnes, PE Higuera, CI Roos, DW Schwilk, E Stavros, T Banerjee, MM Bela, J Bendix, S Bertolino, S Bililign, KD Bladon, P Brando, RE Breidenthal, B Buma, D Calhoun, LMV Carvalho, ME Cattau, KM Cawley, SChandra, ML Chipman, J Cobian-Iñiguez, E Conlisk, JD Coop, A Cullen, KT Davis, A Dayalu, F De Sales, M Dolman, LM Ellsworth, S Franklin, CH Guiterman, M Hamilton, EJ Hanan, WD Hansen, S Hantson, BJ Harvey, A Holz, T Huang, MD Hurteau, NT Ilangakoon, M Jennings, C Jones, A Klimaszewski-Patterson, LN Kobziar, J Kominoski, B Kosovic, MA Krawchuk, P Laris, J Leonard, S Marcela Loria-Salazar, M Lucash, H Mahmoud, E Margolis, T Maxwell, JL McCarty, DB McWethy, RS Meyer, JR Miesel, W Keith Moser, R Chelsea Nagy, D Niyogi, H M Palmer, A Pellegrini, B Poulter, K Robertson, AV Rocha, M Sadegh, F Santos, F Scordo, JO Sexton, AS Sharma, A.M.S Smith, AJ Soja, C Still, T Swetnam, AD Syphard, MW Tingley, A Tohidi, AT Trugman, M Turetsky, J M Varner, Y Wang, T Whitman, S Yelenik, X Zhang 2022. Reimagine fire for the anthropocene. PNAS Nexus, 1(3), 115.
37) Shabaga, JA, R Bracho, PA Klockow, MS Lucash and JG Vogel 2022. Shortened fire intervals stimulate carbon losses from heterotrophic respiration and reduce understorey plant productivity in boreal forests. Ecosystems.
36) Buma, B, K Hayes, S Weiss and M Lucash. 2022. Short-interval fires increasing in the Alaskan boreal forest as fire self-regulation decays across forest types. Scientific Reports 12: 4901.
35) Lamping, JE, HSJ Zald, BD Madurapperuma and J Graham. 2021. Comparison of low-cost commercial unpiloted digital aerial photogrammetry to airborne laser scanning across multiple forest types in California, USA. Remote Sensing 13: 4292.
34) Williams, NE, JC Hagar, MD Powers. 2021. Evaluating the role of active management in mature Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) stands for songbird conservation. Forest Ecology and Management 502: 119609.
33) Marshall, AM, TE Link, GN Flerchinger, & MS Lucash. 2021. Importance of parameter and climate data uncertainty for future changes in boreal hydrology. Water Resources Research 57: e2021WR029911, https://doi. org/10.1029/2021WR029911
32) Marshall, AM, TE Link, GN Flerchinger, DJ Nicolsky and MS Lucash. 2021. Ecohydrological modeling in a deciduous boreal forest: Model evaluation for application in non-stationary climates. Hydrological Processes 35( 6), e14251.
31) Olson, SK, EAH Smithwick, MS Lucash et al. 2021. Landscape-scale forest reorganization following insect invasion and harvest under future climate change scenarios. Ecosystems.
30) Brussel, T, & Brewer, SC. 2021. Functional paleoecology and the pollen-plant functional trait linkage. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8:501.
29) Huang, J, MS Lucash, RM Scheller, and A Klippel. 2020. Walking through the forests of the future: using data-driven virtual reality to visualize forests under climate change. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 35:6, 1155-1178. doi/10.1080/13658816.2020.1830997
28) Schrum, P, RM Scheller, MJ Duveneck, and MS Lucash. 2020. Base-Hurricane: A new extension for the Landis-II forest landscape model. Environmental Modelling & Software 133: 104833.
27) Buma B, SA Weiss, K Hayes and MS Lucash. 2020. Wildland fire reburning trends across the US West suggest only short-term negative feedback and differing climatic effects. Environmental Research Letters 15(3): 034026.
26) Cassell B, RM Scheller MS Lucash, M Hurteau and EL Loudermilk. 2019, Widespread severe wildfires under climate change lead to increased forest homogeneity in dry mixed conifer forests. Ecosphere 10(11): e02934.
25) Lucash MS, RM Scheller, K Ruckert, R Nicholas and E Smithwick. 2019. Complex interactions among successional trajectories and climate govern spatial resilience after severe windstorms in central Wisconsin, U.S.A Landscape Ecology 34 (12): 2897–2915. doi: 10.1007/s10980-019-00929-1
24) Lopez Ortiz MJ, T Marcey, MS Lucash, D Hibbs, J PA Shatford and JR Thompson. 2019. Post-fire management affects species composition but not Douglas-fir regeneration in the Klamath Mountains. 432: 1030-1040. doi: S0378112718309095
23) Lucash MS, RM Scheller, BR Sturtevant, E J Gustafson, AM Kretchun and JR Foster. 2018. More than the sum of its parts: how disturbance interactions shape forest dynamics under climate change. Ecosphere. 9 (6), e02293. doi:10.1038/s41598-018-24642-2
22) Serra-Diaz JM, C Maxwell, MS Lucash, RM Scheller, DM Laflower, AD Miller, AJ Tepley, HE Epstein, KJ Anderson-Teixeira and JR Thompson. 2018. Disequilibrium of fire-prone forests sets the stage for a rapid decline in conifer dominance during the 21st century. Scientific Reports 8:6749. doi:10.1038/s41598-018-24642-2
21) Cantarello E, AC Newton, PA Martin, PM Evans, A Gosal and MS Lucash. 2017. Quantifying resilience of multiple ecosystem services and biodiversity in a temperate forest landscape. Ecology and Evolution. 2017; 7: 9661– 9675. doi: 10.1002/ece3.3491/abstract
20) Lucash MS, RM Scheller, EJ Gustafson and BS Sturtevant. 2017. Spatial resilience of forested landscapes under climate change and management. Landscape Ecol.5: 953–969. doi: 10.1007/s10980-017-0501-3
19) Creutzburg MK, RM Scheller, MS Lucash, S.D. LeDuc and M.G. Johnson. 2017. Forest management scenarios in a changing climate: tradeoffs between carbon, timber, and old forest. Ecological Applications 27: 503-518. doi: 10.1002/eap.1460
18) Creutzburg MK, RM Scheller, MS Lucash, LB Evers, SD LeDuc and MG Johnson. 2015. Bioenergy harvest, climate change, and forest carbon in the Oregon Coast Range. GCB- Bioenergy. doi: 10.1111/gcbb.12255.
17) Smithwick E, MS Lucash, ML McCormack and G Sivandran. 2014. Improving the representation of roots in climate change models. Eco. Model. 291: 193-204. doi: S0304380014003603
16) Wang F, D Mladenoff, J Forrester, JA Blanco, R Scheller, S Peckham, C Keough, MS Lucash and ST Gower. 2014. Multi-model simulations of long-term effects of forest harvesting on ecosystem productivity and C/N cycling. Ecol. App. doi: 10.1890/12-0888.1
15) Kretchun A, RM Scheller, MS Lucash, KL Clark, J Hom and S Van Tuyl. 2014. Predicted effects of gypsy moth defoliation and climate change on forest carbon dynamics in the New Jersey Pine Barrens. PLoS ONE. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0102531.
14) Jenny H, J Liem, MS Lucash and RM Scheller. 2014. 4-D statistical surface method for visual change detection in forest ecosystem simulation time series. IEEE J-STARS. 7(11): 4505-4511. doi: 10.1109/JSTARS.2014.2324972
13) Lucash MS, RM Scheller, AM Kretchun, K Clark and J Hom. 2014. Impacts of climate change and fire on long-term nitrogen cycling and forest productivity in the New Jersey Pine Barrens. Can. J. Forest Res. 44: 402-412. doi: abs/10.1139/cjfr-2013-0383#.XclkwFdKjIU
12) Scheller RM, AM Kretchun, S Van Tuyl, KL Clark, MS Lucash and J Hom. 2012. Divergent carbon dynamics under climate change in forests with diverse soils, tree species, and land use histories. Ecosphere 3(11):110. doi: 10.1890/ES12-00241.1
11) Lucash MS, RD Yanai, JD Blum and BB Park. 2012. Foliar nutrient concentrations related to soil sources across a range of sites and tree species in the northeastern USA. Soil Sci. Soc. A. J. 76: 674–683. doi: 10.2136/ssaj2011.0160
10) Yanai RD, KJ McFarlane, MS Lucash, JD Joslin and SE Kulpa. 2009. Similarity of nutrient uptake and root dimensions of Engelmann spruce and subalpine fir at two contrasting sites in Colorado. For. Ecol. Manage. 258: 2233-2241. doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2009.04.035
9) Lucash MS, RD Yanai and JD Joslin. 2008. Nitrogen uptake in intact and disturbed roots of loblolly pine seedlings. Env. and Exp. Bot. 64:15-20.
8) Lucash MS, DM Eissenstat, RD Yanai and JD Joslin. 2007. Estimating nutrient uptake by mature tree roots under field conditions: challenges and opportunities. Trees 21:593-603.
7) Lucash MS, JD Joslin and RD Yanai. 2005. Temporal variation in nutrient uptake capacity by intact roots of mature loblolly pine. Plant Soil 272:253-262.
6) Lucash MS, B Farnsworth and WE Winner. 2005. Response of sagebrush steppe species to elevated CO2 and soil temperature. W.N.A. Nat. 65:80-86.
5) Lewis JD, MS Lucash, DM Olszyk and DT Tingey. 2003. Relationships between needle nitrogen concentration and photosynthetic responses of Douglas-fir seedlings to elevated CO2 and temperature. New Phyt.162:355-365.
4) Lewis JD, MS Lucash, DM Olszyk and DT Tingey. 2002. Stomatal responses of Douglas-fir seedlings to elevated CO2 and temperature during the third and fourth years of exposure. Plant Cell & Env. 25:1411-21.
3) Lewis JD, MS Lucash, DM Olszyk and DT Tingey. 2000. Seasonal patterns of photosynthesis in Douglas-fir seedlings during the third and fourth year of exposure to elevated CO2 and temperature. Plant Cell and Env. 24:539-548.
2) Apple ME, MS Lucash, DL Phillips, DT Tingey and D Olszyk. 1999. Elevated temperature and the morphology of Pseudotsuga menziesii vegetative buds. Env. and Exp. Bot. 41:25-30.
1) Apple ME, MS Lucash, DM Olszyk and DT Tingey. 1998. Morphogenesis of Douglas-fir buds is altered at elevated temperature but not at elevated CO2. Env. Exp. Bot. 40:159-175.
Additional Publications and Reports
Domke, G, CA Williams, R Birdsey, J Coulston, A Finzi, C Gough, B Haight, J Hicke, M Janowiak, B de Jong, W A Kurz, M Lucash, S Ogle, M Olguín-Álvarez, Y Pan, M Skutsch, C Smyth, C Swanston, P Templer, D Wear, and CW Woodall. 2018: Chapter 9: Forests. In Second State of the Carbon Cycle Report (SOCCR2): A Sustained Assessment Report. [Cavallaro, N, G Shrestha, R Birdsey, MA Mayes, RG Najjar, SC Reed, P Romero-Lankao, and Z Zhu (eds.)]. U.S. Global Change Research Program, Washington, DC, USA, pp. 365-398,
Gustafson, EG, MS Lucash, J Liem, H Jenny, RM Scheller, K Barrett, BR Sturtevant. 2016. Seeing the future impacts of climate change and forest management: a landscape visualization system for forest managers. USFS General Technical Report NRS-164. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station. 18 p.